Poetry and the like, by Amy Opal Marshall

Thursday 24 January 2008

Hiding Place

In deepest, darkest fear I ran to hide.
Fast did my feet and my heart in rhythm pound,
Breaking a dead silence the only sound,
‘Til in dread despair to you, Lord, I cried.
Your face pure light, and your embrace so wide!
Besides you, God, there is no Solid Ground;
Except beneath your wings, no Refuge found.
All else is sand, washed away by the tide.
Sweet Lord, I run to you, my Hiding Place;
To your nail-scarred hand alone do I cling.
Let me forever look into your face,
With saints and angels your glory to sing.
May I honour you, my Liberator;
Live and die for you, Beautiful Saviour!

Wednesday 16 January 2008

Non-conformist Conformation

Nothing's obvious anymore.
Always, "It's complicated".
Remember the days when
Life was so clear?
It was close-minded, but at least
It was simple.
Try to see it from everyone's
Different perspectives
And you end up over-analyzing.

Confusing and Terrifying!
Life was never meant to be this way.
How did it come to this?
It is not what I wanted...
This is not who I wanted to be.