Poetry and the like, by Amy Opal Marshall

Sunday 20 September 2015

My Warrior in the Sky

My Warrior in the sky,
    Outlined diamond-light against the darkness -
        Hope in the darkness -
            Has always watched over me.
Always in my dreams he glimmers:
    Glory unquenchable, unveilable, undiminishing.

A bow of fire my Warrior wields -
    This Hunter-King in relentless pursuit.
Finally lets fly his arrow precise,
    Which pierces its mark,
        Through my flesh, into my heart.
My Warrior in the sky.

Thursday 17 September 2015

What Makes Us Feel Alive

Let's talk about what makes us feel alive.

Let's speak of the race and
Harvest-time and
How the fishing's going,
Rudders turning our course toward
The Morning Star.

Let's speak of an Anchor and a
Secret Hiding Place,
Of a flock of sheep and a
Lamb with seven horns,
Of a Groom and Bride all beautifully adorned.

Let's talk about what makes us feel alive.

Sunday 13 September 2015


Rest-heralding shadows - silent, undistractable - process...
Gather the world into the cradling arms of night.
The sun's black cloak - star-studded blanket - Earth caress...
Gather every creature of the day to tuck them out of sight.
And should dark dim cheer - draw sadness - summon fear...
Gather humankind to the warmth of great hearth's heartening light.

Late Afternoon

Day, feather-soft
Steps quietly into
Late afternoon.

There are fairy tales
Hiding just under
Warm green-gold leaves and
Cool moss-robed rocks,
    For those who would
See them.

Waters seem deeper,
In these hours,
And breeze to
Carry richer life.

We are wiser from the day,
Fuller from its grace
If we but accept
This sacred moment:

This chance for solitude.

Sunday 6 September 2015


I am tired
And cannot think about a beginning.
Our beginnings are scattered,
Asymmetric journeys,
And I am sad.
I am sad, and try to
Take the edge off with beauty.
My mind hides in trail's length -
In the mountains' embrace as I
Attempt to distract, sedate my heart;
Numb the lonely with adventure.