Poetry and the like, by Amy Opal Marshall

Thursday 4 October 2018


This is the time
     when outside the glass I see
A million flecks of gold adorning
     the living scaffold.
With every breath they dance,
     until with elation complete,
Satisfied sigh to earth's floor
     to bejewel the holy ground with thanks.

Saturday 17 March 2018

Thoughts on Pride and Arrogance

Arrogance and pride are blind to everyone -
   even to one's own soul.
It is useless to correct a prideful person -
   he cannot hear you.
Pride and arrogance have no sense.
   They are senseless...
   unable to see, unable to hear, unable to taste, unable to smell,
   unable to feel, unable to touch.
They can neither give nor receive;
   only impose and seize.
Pride and arrogance are dead things.
They bring death to the one who allows them a home,
   and death to all around him.

Saturday 13 January 2018


You are elegant strength lived in restful rhythm.
Silver curves grace your strong hand;
Tenderness flames out from your confident motion -
You are powerful and shining,
     And I miss you, dear friend,
Sweet friend, whose laugh bends the
     walls of darkness farther from our souls.